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Updated: Dec 11, 2023


Time is running short, the time is now.  I have wasted time and don't want to do that any more.  I have THE most important message in the world to tell you about.  Turning from this message and listening to anything else would be the greatest mistake.

Don’t stop reading!

God has given me a job to do, to spread His word.  He has left a message in His book, the Bible, and wants me and other christians to share it with the world.  Let’s not waste time.  Here is the message.

God who created all things including you, and loves you and wants the best life for you.  He has provided His word, His message for you so that you can know How he wants you to live.  He has the right to command some things from the people He has made (He is God).  He in His book says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17.  God is Holy and pure, and can never be in the presence of sin.  Sin is lawlessness, 1 John 3:4.

4 Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. That means that there are things the Law of God will not allow. (Romans 1:29-31 names some of the things God calls sin.)  When we die, we can rise to live in heaven with God, but NOT if we are sinners.  The Bible tells us that all men and women have sinned and fall short of God’s glory,  Romans 3:23.  Only because of the work of Jesus can we have sin atoned for.

To go to heaven after this life we each must become washed in the blood of Jesus the Savior who died on the cross for us.  We are washed spiritually at water baptism and put in contact with His sin cleansing blood.  Here is a quick run down of what we must do: 

People who want to be saved from sin,and I hope that is you... must:  First, understand who Jesus is (Savior/King) and that He shed His blood for their forgiveness, and that He rose from the dead and lives in heaven, Col 1:14; Rom 3:25.  Second, they must repent of sin, Matt 4:17; Acts 2:38 and Acts 17:30, “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent” (turn from a life of sin).  Third, they must confess that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, Rom.10:9; Acts 8:37, (an example of confession by the Ethiopian Treasurer). Fourth, be baptized, fully immersed, in water.

Jesus considered baptism so important that He singled it out as one of the most important aspects of the gospel (good news). What does the New Testament say about baptism?  What is Biblical baptism?

It is immersion (being placed fully under water). John baptized in Aenon ”because there was much water there”, John 3:23. The Ethiopian Treasurer in Acts 8 went down into the water and came back up out of it, Acts 8:38-39.

It is for, (it’s purpose is), the taking away of sins, Acts 2:38 (remission); Acts 22:16 (wash away sin), and Mark 16:16 (baptized, to be saved).

Without being baptized in water, you cannot get “into Christ” nor “put on Christ”, Gal 3:27, “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ; and Romans 6:3, “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?”

When one is baptized “into Christ” he is baptized not only to be saved but is also added to the church of Christ, Acts 2:47; Romans 16:16.

This is just a brief rundown, just to spark your interest in this very important subject.  I want to talk with you about it. 770-728-5545 or

Ask the church you attend if baptism in water is for the purpose of taking away sins.  If they say no, you are in the wrong church.

Enjoy these YouTube videos for more info!!!

Kevin Presley - Let The Bible Speak TV

Church of Christ Northwest Arkansas

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